digraph / ˈdaɪ græf, -grɑf /
digraph 的定义
n. 名词 noun- a pair of letters representing a single speech sound, as ea in meat or th in path.
- A consonant or digraph between two sounded vowels usually joins the following vowel, rea-son, no-ti-fy, mo-ther.
- When a consonant is doubled (not forming a digraph) the two are generally separated; beg-gar, bril-liant, cun-ning.
- Excess (ss digraph, pronounced practically like a single s) gives ex-cess-es, ex-cess-ive, etc.
- The digraph th is represented in Old English texts by and , no consistent distinction being made between them.
- A digraph may either be a combination of two consonants or of two vowels or of a vowel and a consonant.