didymium / daɪˈdɪm i əm, dɪ- /


didymium 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a mixture of neodymium and praseodymium, formerly thought to be an element. Symbol: Di


  1. Didymium salts have a rose or violet colour, and impart (when in sufficient quantity) the same colour to the borax bead.
  2. A subnitrate of didymium is formed, and remains as an insoluble residue on extracting with hot water.
  3. Neodymium (Nd) forms the chief portion of the old “didymium.”
  4. It is readily distinguished from Didymium minus by the much larger and more distinctly warted spores.
  5. Spumaria is essentially related to Didymium by the crystals of lime upon the walls of the sporangia.