dialectician / ˌdaɪ ə lɛkˈtɪʃ ən /


dialectician 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person skilled in dialectic; logician.
  2. a dialectologist.


  1. He was not a dialectician, but a moralist, and as such takes the highest ground of all the old inquirers after truth.
  2. To a dialectician of any parts the fatal association of whales and Wales would be child's play.
  3. They can be affixed only by the skilled lawgiver, and appreciated only by the skilled dialectician.
  4. Spencer often exaggerates or extenuates with reference to his facts, and uses the arts of the dialectician where argument fails.
  5. With the subtlest dialectician's skill, Bayle merely opposes reason and faith.