diagonally / daɪˈæg ə nl, -ˈæg nl /


diagonally2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Mathematics. connecting two nonadjacent angles or vertices of a polygon or polyhedron, as a straight line.extending from one edge of a solid figure to an opposite edge, as a plane.
  2. having an oblique direction.
  3. having oblique lines, ridges, markings, etc.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a diagonal line or plane.
  2. virgule.
  3. a diagonal row, part, pattern, etc.

diagonally 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb

at an angle


  1. The diagonal-thinking capability that balances short-term necessity with longer-term opportunity.
  2. These pairs are spaced apart so the grid looks like a checkerboard, with diagonals crossing every other square.
  3. The skeleton of the Venus’ flower basket, however, has pairs of diagonals running in both directions rather than the single diagonals crisscrossing a typical truss.
  4. In so doing, it drops below the diagonal line, one of the only counties to do so.
  5. It reduces the turning radius of the vehicle, which is handy in everyday situations, but it also allows the truck to drive on a sideways diagonal path, like a crab.
  6. I was waiting for something to happen and it was like an explosion, everything shot diagonally left across the track.
  7. We accidentally put a highway to nowhere cutting diagonally across our island.
  8. Dressed in a black suit, Roubini was seated diagonally across from Osborne at a table in the corner of the room.
  9. Three model train tracks run diagonally across the broken glass.
  10. Panels may be woven either length-wise (step 8), crosswise (step 8), diagonally across the mat (step 4), or in zigzags (step 3).
  11. I secured a used broom, the longer and newer the better, and cut the straws off diagonally across the sweeping edge.
  12. The cloud passed across the straits diagonally to the south-west.
  13. The last half-league of the way is very steep, and leads to the ridge of a chain of hillocks running diagonally across the valley.
  14. Following the direction of his eyes, Whiteside saw two deep furrows running diagonally across the grip.