dhoti / ˈdoʊ ti /


dhoti 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural dho·tis.

  1. a long loincloth worn by many Hindu men in India.
  2. the cotton fabric, sometimes patterned, of which the loincloth is made.

dhoti 近义词


等同于 loincloth

dhoti 的近义词 2


  1. Lung is Persian for a cloth passed between the loins, is an equivalent of S. dhoti.
  2. Krishna in a flowing dhoti wanders in meadows gay with feathered trees while Radha and her confidante appear in Mughal garb.
  3. In some parts of India half the dhoti only is wound round the loins, the other half being thrown over the left shoulder.
  4. The small form of dhoti worn by men of the lower class is called langoti.
  5. The garment distinctive of the Hindus of all castes, men and women, all over India, is the dhoti or loin cloth.