dewberry / ˈduˌbɛr i, -bə ri, ˈdyu- /


dewberry 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural dew·ber·ries.

  1. the fruit of any of several trailing blackberries of the genus Rubus.
  2. the fruit of a bramble, Rubus caesius.
  3. a plant bearing either fruit.


  1. The Dewberry (Rubus cæsius) is a handsome fruit, very like the Blackberry, but coming earlier.
  2. The woodchuck spilled himself from under me, slid short about, and tumbled off for home by way of the dewberry-patch.
  3. Company A was in an open ground covered with, dewberry vines, and the berries were ripe.
  4. Soon the trees fell away, and he came to a stretch of bank,—here naked earth, there clad in grass and dewberry vines.
  5. Harky halted and stood motionless as any boulder on Dewberry Knob.