depletion [ dĭ-plēshən ]


depletion 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    depletion 近义词

    n. 名词 noun


    depletion 的近义词 2


    1. The full debt—or savings depletion—that families incur; not just student debt.
    2. The depletion of the Medicare Trust Fund had nothing to do with it.
    3. MDS is a relatively rare condition that can lead to a depletion of red or white blood cells, anemia, heavy bleeding.
    4. A similar depletion can be observed over on the celebrity front.
    5. A long, dreamless sleep took instant charge of him, for he was exhausted to a state of utter depletion.
    6. Four people at table means a depletion of your smoked meat and a dipping occasionally into the corned-beef barrel.
    7. And so, with little acquisitions of powder, and steady depletion, Washington was never for a day properly supplied.
    8. This species has been highly commended as a remedy in dysentery after due depletion, diarrhea, menorrhagia, and leucorrhea.
    9. These affections of the brain and nervous system are aggravated by depletion.