depilatory / dɪˈpɪl əˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i /


depilatory2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. capable of removing hair.
n. 名词 noun

plural de·pil·a·to·ries.

  1. a depilatory agent.
  2. such an agent in a mild liquid or cream form for temporarily removing unwanted hair from the body.


  1. Where hair had a tendency to grow, she applied dropax, a depilatory paste, composed of vinegar and earth from Cyprus.
  2. In place of the liquid soap and razor it is sometimes convenient to use a Depilatory powder.
  3. Rhusma, rus′ma, n. a mixture of quicklime and orpiment, used as a depilatory.
  4. In such cases the hair can be easily removed by a depilatory.
  5. The Roman epicures iced their oysters before eating them; the ladies used the calcined shell as a cosmetic and depilatory.