depending / dɪˈpɛnd /


depending 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to rely; place trust: You may depend on the accuracy of the report.
  2. to rely for support, maintenance, help, etc.: Children depend on their parents.
  3. to be conditioned or contingent: His success here depends upon effort and ability.
  4. to be undetermined or pending: I may go to Europe or I may not, it all depends.
  5. Grammar. to be subordinate to another linguistic form in the same construction; to form a part of a construction other than the head.
  6. to hang down; be suspended: The chandelier depends from the ceiling of the ballroom.

depending 近义词

v. 动词 verb

count on, rely upon

v. 动词 verb

be contingent on


  1. How you answer that depends somewhat on your specific moral commitments.
  2. Smaller institutions that depend almost entirely on ticket sales, or don’t have a foundation or don’t have a lot of donors, they’re going to be in real trouble.
  3. The New York Times reported in 2019 that some Volition collaborators expected to earn $30,00-$100,000 from their co-creations, depending on the sales performance of the product.
  4. Final results depended on getting a certain number of infections in the study group.
  5. How long you’ll need to hold it there will depend on how hot your embers are, but you should see the sugars start to brown within a minute or two.
  6. Using standard methods, the cost of printing DNA could run upwards of a billion dollars or more, depending on the strand.
  7. But this war jumps from city to city, depending the threat of the day.
  8. And the more she is forced to recount, the more her grasp of reality slips, or heightens, depending on your point of view.
  9. People come to The Ball with many different goals in mind, depending on what they are looking for that evening.
  10. Then, depending on how urgent I think it is to get it, sometimes I have to go back home and drop it off.
  11. He was an outlaw, hunted and despised, depending for his life on the caprice of a fickle-minded woman.
  12. According to Metchnikoff, this property of leukocytes resides entirely within themselves, depending upon their own vital activity.
  13. The cost of extraction varies in different localities, depending mainly on the mass of barren rock to be encountered and removed.
  14. A something that is always waking up, and urging me to work out my own living, instead of depending on the charity of others.
  15. He made for the wall, and as he groped along he found a chain depending and reaching down into the water.