dentures / ˈdɛn tʃər /


dentures 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth , or all of the teeth of either or both jaws; dental prosthesis.
  2. a set of teeth.

dentures 近义词

n. 名词 noun

false teeth


  1. Imagine you’re a little kid at Sunday dinner with your whole family and your grandfather’s dentures fall out onto the table.
  2. Lamb saw that his four upper front teeth were a neatly fitted denture.
  3. The aid of the dentist is required to fit a denture which will at least restore the hard palate and alveolar margin.
  4. The tube is anchored to a denture, or by means of a silk thread to the cheek by sticking-plaster.
  5. A little more, and his tongue would have cleaved to the gold of his upper denture.
  6. In discussing dental dreams I have pointed out the importance of having the denture examined for possible pus pockets.