dentition / dɛnˈtɪʃ ən /


dentition 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the makeup of a set of teeth including their kind, number, and arrangement.
  2. the eruption or cutting of the teeth; teething; odontiasis.

dentition 近义词


等同于 pearly whites

dentition 的近义词 3

等同于 teeth

dentition 的近义词 5


  1. While the three species boasted distinct dentition and probably had somewhat different diets, it’s not clear what they actually did eat from the shape of their teeth alone, Eberle says.
  2. The imperfections of the mouth, resulting of a bad dentition, are stricken away by the application of the interchanging Thooth.
  3. Such cases are merely instances of irregularity in the time of dentition, and carry with them no particular significance.
  4. Parents ought to carefully attend to the childs second dentition.
  5. The generic differences are based upon the comparative lengths of the tail, and upon the dentition.
  6. Now these correspondences are the more striking when we bear in mind that a similar dentition is often put to very different uses.