demantoid / dɪˈmæn tɔɪd /


demantoid 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a brilliant green variety of andradite garnet, used as a gem.


  1. The luster, too, is diamond-like as the name "demantoid" signifies.
  2. Green garnets are of two kinds, the calcium-iron garnet, known as demantoid, and the calcium-chromium garnet known as uvarovite.
  3. The demantoid garnet (sometimes called "olivine" in the trade).
  4. The demantoid garnet is also very soft as compared with emerald (61⁄2 as against nearly 8).
  5. As was explained under garnet, jewelers frequently use the term "olivine" to designate demantoid garnet.