deist / ˈdi ɪst /


deist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who believes in deism.


  1. It is no perplexity that a man may get rid of by ceasing to be a Christian, and which has no existence for a philosophic Deist.
  2. His religion had been outwardly that of a deist; he now professed a piety which he always felt but rarely practised.
  3. It would give you, and Jardine, and Robertson, great satisfaction to find that there is not a single deist among them.
  4. Nobody, henceforth, need be afraid to patronize me, either as a Scotchman or a Deist.
  5. Is not the theologian's God, as well as that of the deist, a cause incompatible with the effects attributed to it?