Burns says that “leg stiffness” is a measure of how a runner compresses and decompresses while on the ground.
So if you’re looking for a solid middle-of-the-road set of ’buds that’s ready whether you plan to push hard or decompress, these Skullcandy earbuds may be the perfect fit.
Their bite-sized portions allow them to decompress and internalize what they’ve seen, rather than pushing ever ahead into the unknown.
That’s not good for anyone’s mental health so we instituted this policy to really reinforce that we want people to decompress and take that time off.
Plus, it’s a great screen-free activity to decompress from too many hours online.
Everyone was dazed by their look at death, but relieved by the opportunity to decompress.
He was talking about places that give a neighborhood its stability and coherence, where we can see familiar faces and decompress.
He cited the waste of oxygen which resulted by having to decompress Bandit every time someone left or entered the ship.