decker / ˈdɛk ər /


decker 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something, as a ship or bed, having a specified number of decks, floors, levels, or the like: The cruise ship is a five-decker.


  1. It looked legitimate to him, so he messaged Decker back for more information.
  2. It’s up to each employer and employee, Decker says, to work out an agreement as to what accommodations are actually required to ensure that the employee can fulfill the essential functions of their job.
  3. In a case like Hinken’s, Decker says, “the employer does have the ability to say, listen, though, I need you here to actually help these patients.”
  4. Decker was pregnant with Roldan’s child, authorities said, and she was a student at George Mason University when she went missing.
  5. Decker, like Roberts, kept pushing, repeatedly asking McEnany where the river was.
  6. “Masters had connections with survivalists,” Grants Pass Daily Courier (PDF) reporter Edith Decker wrote in 2010.
  7. Listen: If you got off a double-decker bus to come to New York, who would you rather see waiting for you?
  8. You'd been drunk for hours, but you dove off a double-decker lake boat and came up gracefully for air.
  9. “I have a top-five list [of crushes], and Gisele is my number one,” model-turned-actress Brooklyn Decker told the magazine.
  10. Decker, 26, chatted with The Daily Beast about the role, her transition from modeling to acting, and much more.
  11. But Decker's and Ben Jonson's works abound in allusions to tobacco, its uses and abuses.
  12. Its duty is, like that of any three-decker, to guard the merchant service from a dangerous foe.
  13. Had they really no hearts, so that it made no difference to them how deeply they wounded poor Nettie Decker?
  14. "Decker, you ought to learn to play," said one of the guests who had watched him through the last piece.
  15. Mrs. Decker declared that the first time she sat down in it, she felt more rested than she had in three years.