decipherable / dɪˈsaɪ fər /


decipherable 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make out the meaning of: to decipher a hastily scribbled note.
  2. to discover the meaning of: to decipher hieroglyphics.
  3. to interpret by the use of a key, as something written in cipher: to decipher a secret message.
  4. Obsolete. to depict; portray.

decipherable 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Both types of systems seem to converge on the same computational solutions, which may mean that deep networks could be increasingly useful tools for deciphering the brain’s secrets.
  2. In simpler terms, it can help Google to decipher the context of words in a search query.
  3. Yet the ease of sharing and reposting such content has made it harder to decipher what can be trusted.
  4. As the committee meets to decipher a season in which Clemson lost at Notre Dame in double overtime with Lawrence absent because of a positive test, the need for the committee to hire a sommelier — a masked one, of course — seems ever more aching.
  5. In a visual memory challenge that required 100 tasks, the algorithm was able to keep its previous memories while deciphering new images.
  6. On the walls are still decipherable Scriptural texts in black letter.
  7. The first page is entirely gone, and the second page so erased and torn that it is only decipherable here and there.
  8. The decipherable part of the inscription tells us that he was a scribe, highly placed, and in great favour with the king.
  9. The letters are all very much worn, so that the pictures in many instances are barely decipherable.
  10. The real aims and objects of the Bond are as decipherable to-day as they were three years or ten years ago.