decimeter / ˈdɛs əˌmi tər /


decimeter 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a unit of length equal to 1/10 meter. Abbreviation: dm


  1. In the "Children's House" days they had the long stair rods which contain the meter and its decimeter subdivisions.
  2. Five of them placed in a row will, of course, give the length of the decimeter; and two of them will weigh a decagram.
  3. As the litre is a cubic decimeter, the key to the measure of length is also the key to measures of capacity.
  4. The intermediate standard decimeter, lm (Fig. 2), is put in place of the mirror, b.
  5. We may estimate it at 1/3 or 1/4 of an ohm for polar surfaces one decimeter square, separated by a distance of five centimeters.