decenter / diˈsɛn tər /


decenter 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to put out of center.
  2. to make eccentric.


  1. But I want her to think well of me—I want to show her that I'm as decent as most men 'round these parts, and decenter than some.
  2. I saw at once that he was a good deal decenter than he looked.
  3. But it will be far decenter and better for a parties to enter into some agreement of that sort.
  4. There was a theory in his family that it would have been a decenter thing for him to stop running about and settle down to work.
  5. I am in another man's skin; for what, after all, is a skin but a soul's clothing, and what is clothing but a decenter skin?