decennium / dɪˈsɛn i əm /


decennium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural de·cen·ni·ums, de·cen·ni·a [dih-sen-ee-uh]. /dɪˈsɛn i ə/.

  1. a period of ten years; a decade.

decennium 近义词


等同于 ten


  1. We have spoken of a splendid Decennium in the Duke of Marlborough's campaigns—that from 1702 to 1712.
  2. One short decennium has comprehended within its circuit the beginning and the end of this unparalleled hurricane.
  3. In England, it is true that the largest cities show during the last decennium a certain slackening in the pace of growth.
  4. The second decennium still found him employed chiefly in research, vertebrate and extinct forms absorbing most of his attention.
  5. He was occupied actively with teaching, but the dominant feature of the decennium was his assumption of the Darwinian doctrines.