deathwatch / ˈdɛθˌwɒtʃ, -ˌwɔtʃ /


deathwatch 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a vigil beside a dying or dead person.
  2. a guard set over a condemned person before execution.
  3. Also called deathwatch beetle. any of several beetles of the family Anobiidae that make a ticking sound as they bore through wood: the sound was once believed to be an omen of death.

deathwatch 近义词


等同于 wake

deathwatch 的近义词 5


  1. The deathwatch, like conscience, doth make cowards of us all.
  2. Every pulse-beat is in exact time with the cricket's chant and the tickings of the deathwatch in the wall.
  3. It sounds to me like the echoing tick, tick of some great beetle; like the sort of noise which a deathwatch makes, you know.
  4. A chulad was a small native pet, Korvin knew, something like a greatly magnified deathwatch beetle.
  5. In the wainscot of the room a deathwatch ticked its doleful omen.