daruma / dəˈru mə; Japanese dɑˈru mɑ /


daruma 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a large red papier-mâché Japanese doll in the form of a seated potbellied Buddhist monk: considered a bringer of luck and prosperity.


  1. It is easy to make this, for it is believed that Daruma lost his legs from sitting too long in one position.
  2. Not an Irish gentleman with a pipe in his mouth, such as you like to build, but a figure of Daruma, who was a disciple of Buddha.
  3. Thus certain legless and shapeless dolls are called after him, and snow-figures are denominated Yuki-daruma (Snow Daruma).
  4. The images of Daruma are found by the hundreds in toy-shops, as tobacconists' signs, and as the snow-men of the boys.
  5. Nevertheless, the conscience of the Wa Daruma bids them kill their twin offspring.