darky / ˈdɑr ki /


darky 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural dark·ies.Older Use: Now Offensive.

  1. a term used to refer to a Black person.


  1. Darky had written an ode to the man who founded this class of lodging-house, and had received personal thanks.
  2. I took the little roll from my pocket while up in the hay-loft, where I had gone to give Darky his last feed.
  3. In our literature and on the stage, the very idea of a Darky and a graveyard is mirth-provoking.
  4. Roake and Humfrey with little "Darky," who was their invariable companion, were always welcome.
  5. Darky have to take what the white folks leave fo em and be glad he's livin.