dansant / dɑ̃ˈsɑ̃ /


dansant 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural dan·sants [dahnsahn]. /ˈdɑ̃sɑ̃/. French.


  1. Everybody, Alec included, was kindness itself to the silent child, and th dansant was talked of.
  2. As the Elizabeth affected an English atmosphere and had not adopted the th dansant, the place was not overfull.
  3. She had even said point-blank to Mr. Avenel, "Why don't you give a Dejeune dansant?"
  4. She opened it with a th dansant, at which she discoursed on the art of dress.
  5. And, therewith, a déjeûné dansant Mr. Avenel resolved to give.