damfool / ˈdæmˈful /
damfool 的 2 个定义
n. 名词 noun- a person who is exceptionally stupid or foolish.
adj. 形容词 adjective- Also dam·fool·ish [dam-foo-lish]. /ˈdæmˈfu lɪʃ/. extraordinarily stupid or foolish.
- "If I land there you can ask for a damfool—and I'll answer the first time," laughed the holdup over his shoulder.
- Now maybe my wife will get off my back on this damfool business of organizing a maid's and butler's union.
- Half the damfool people in the world stick a pillow under a fainting woman's shoulders.
- We all told him to cut it out, because he was sure to do some damfool thing if he didn't.
- "One of her damfool jokes," muttered the old man, as he shuffled toward the door of the locked room.