damfool / ˈdæmˈful /


damfool2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who is exceptionally stupid or foolish.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also dam·fool·ish [dam-foo-lish]. /ˈdæmˈfu lɪʃ/. extraordinarily stupid or foolish.


  1. "If I land there you can ask for a damfool—and I'll answer the first time," laughed the holdup over his shoulder.
  2. Now maybe my wife will get off my back on this damfool business of organizing a maid's and butler's union.
  3. Half the damfool people in the world stick a pillow under a fainting woman's shoulders.
  4. We all told him to cut it out, because he was sure to do some damfool thing if he didn't.
  5. "One of her damfool jokes," muttered the old man, as he shuffled toward the door of the locked room.