the style and techniques of a group of artists, writers, etc., of the early 20th century who exploited accidental and incongruous effects in their work and who programmatically challenged established canons of art, thought, morality, etc.
The other day we got in the car and I had a CD on, and he said, “Dada, is that James Brown?”
At Performa, Shana Lutker revisits a wild Dada play that featured a nose and some lips.
Carlos Dada, editor of El Faro, believes his detractors protest too much.
Was one of Dada's fathers really such a mystery or did he show his true self in his art?
Self-Portrait, 1916,” which Man Ray made at the age of 26, is notably considered the “first proto-Dada assemblage.
And dada only kissed the weary little faces of the supplicants, and laughed again until the tears ran down his cheeks.
And we can't go home without a single nugget to buy presents with, or dada'll be sure to whack us.
Not long after Porphyrius and the philosopher had retired to a private room Herse returned with Dada.
Here, Dada—here; take this ring, it has been worn by a woman who once was young and who has had many lovers.
She spoke with such earnest conviction that Dada remained silent with downcast eyes, and Karnis sat up to think the matter over.