dad-blamed / ˈdædˈbleɪmd /


dad-blamed 的定义

  1. damned: The dad-blamed car got stuck in a snowdrift. He's so dad-blamed sure of himself.


  1. My dad was a sailor, and all through my childhood he was away half of the time at sea, and to an extent I have a similar job.
  2. His wife passed away and they had kids, and he wanted to focus on being a dad so he just stopped to raise his kids.
  3. The fear of…Dad, of the war…yes, that…but something else…the fear that life is nor being lived right here now.
  4. Fuming Iranian officials blamed the United States and United Kingdom for backing the militants, and Pakistan for inaction.
  5. My dad had worked for a while as a ranch hand, and his “Open Road” was a remnant of those days.
  6. "It is ill-fated;" and Alessandro blamed himself for having forgotten her only association with the name.
  7. Blamed ef I'd lived in a country all my life, ef I wouldn't know better'n to git caught out in such weather's this!
  8. "Dad and Hans Rutter, as you know, weren't the sort of men to sit around and mourn over anything like that," she laughed.
  9. When I told dad, sez I, 'Dad, did ever yer hear sech a thing uz gittin' up afore light to feed stock?'
  10. "Blamed if they ain't got company, from the look uh things," he grunted, squinting down.