dactyl / ˈdæk tɪl /


dactyl 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Prosody. a foot of three syllables, one long followed by two short in quantitative meter, or one stressed followed by two unstressed in accentual meter, as in gently and humanly.Symbol: 
  2. a finger or toe.

dactyl 近义词


等同于 toe

dactyl 的近义词 4


  1. A Dactyl is a three-syllable foot accented on the first syllable.
  2. It will be noted that the dactyl is very closely related in expression to the trochee, and the anapest to the iambic.
  3. The proceleusmatic foot, or four short syllables, instead of the dactyl; scen.
  4. This foot, consisting of one accented syllable, followed by two unaccented syllables, is called a dactyl.
  5. The Dactyl, a foot of three syllables, the first long and the two last short, is used principally in the first place in the line.