dabster / ˈdæb stər /


dabster 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Slang. an expert.
  2. Informal. a person who works in a superficial or clumsy manner; dabbler.


  1. An' there was Doctor Dabster, that could pit a bottle or twa under his belt, an' was neither up nor down.
  2. He became a dabster at tucking paper napkins into his neat little waistcoat without tearing them.
  3. Minnie Bellows is the best one in school with her needle and is a dabster at patching.
  4. "Mr. Dabster's going to take me on top of the building to observe the view," said Daisy, after she had introduced her admirers.
  5. Dabster wore a silk hat, and—well, Daisy was a woman, and that hat had no chance to get back in its box until Joe had seen it.