dabbing / ˈdæb ɪŋ /


dabbing 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the consumption of cannabis by inhaling the vapor of heated cannabis extract oil: Experts agree that dabbing is more addictive than smoking.
  2. Also called dab·bin' [dab-in] /ˈdæb ɪn/ . the act of performing a dance move that involves posing with one’s nose in the crook of a bent elbow at chest level while extending the other arm to the side at or above shoulder level, often as a celebratory posture in sports or other competitions.

dabbing 近义词

v. 动词 verb

blot up; touch lightly


  1. Patrons eat their cannoli slowly and deliberately, dabbing the powdered sugar on their plates with licked fingers.
  2. Then McDonald sang, note-clear and strong, “Smile,” and the dabbing of eyes and sniffs increased.
  3. Dabbing wax on the coil or using hash oil on the wick also works.
  4. We set to our task with a deliberate gentleness, dabbing with cloths, cotton, swabs.
  5. My sister's a model," Viggiano said, dabbing sweat from his brow, "and she says the process is very similar.
  6. "I—I don't want you to," wailed Genevieve, dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief.
  7. Luke was dabbing the pointer carefully at the bald top of Weaver's head.
  8. Her hand was dabbing furtively at her face for a purpose which Pierre could not surmise.
  9. Some one rushed up with a sponge and began dabbing his face.
  10. Then she pulled out a small handkerchief, edged with cheap lace, and fell to dabbing her eyes.