cysticercus / ˌsɪs təˈsɜr kəs /


cysticercus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cys·ti·cer·ci [sis-tuh-sur-sahy]. /ˌsɪs təˈsɜr saɪ/.

  1. the larva of certain tapeworms, having the head retracted into a bladderlike structure; a bladder worm.


  1. The larval stage is passed in the muscles of various animals, especially cattle, where it lies encysted (cysticercus stage).
  2. Describe the cutaneous disturbance produced by the cysticercus cellulosæ.
  3. He is a parasite on a journey; he is always agamous, and usually bears the name of cysticercus (Fig. 49).
  4. When however the Cysticercus with its head is fully developed, it is in a condition to be carried into its final host.
  5. The Cysticercus is transported into the second and permanent host by the infested tissue being eaten.