cyma / ˈsaɪ mə /


cyma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cy·mae [sahy-mee], /ˈsaɪ mi/, cy·mas.

  1. Architecture. either of two moldings having a partly convex and partly concave curve for an outline: used especially in classical architecture.Compare cyma recta, cyma reversa.
  2. Botany. a cyme.


  1. The corresponding cyma was of the same material and similarly decorated.
  2. The cornice is of grey marble with a 'cyma recta' section, and is carved with an upright leaf.
  3. The Doric cyma is commonly called the beak-moulding, the Lesbian cyma the cyma reversa.
  4. When the crowning moulding of an entablature is of the cyma form, it is called a “cymatium.”
  5. The parapet above, including its cyma and corona, is one half the height of the parapet below.