curtal / ˈkɜr tl /


curtal2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Archaic. wearing a short frock: a curtal friar.
  2. Obsolete. brief; curtailed.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a 16th-century bassoon.
  2. Obsolete. an animal with a docked tail.


  1. Curtal is a small horse; properly one who hath his tail docked or curtailed.
  2. "I am but a poor anchorite, a curtal friar," replied the other, pushing out for his side of the river.
  3. A gret doble trottynge hors called a curtal, for his lordship to ride out on out of towns.
  4. Some blackguard or other, I think it was Sybrandt, said, "A lie is not like a blow with a curtal axe."
  5. Item, double trottynge hors, called a curtal, for his lordship to ryde on out of townes.