curassow / ˈkyʊər əˌsoʊ, kyʊˈræs oʊ /


curassow 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several large, arboreal, gallinaceous birds of the family Cracidae, of South and Central America.


  1. “Now I must introduce my curassow turkey,” she said, calling another very handsome bird, almost as large as an ordinary turkey.
  2. “Crass,” (the name we gave to the curassow), soon became a great favourite, and made Quacko and Ara very jealous.
  3. Large birds, like the curassow, and also monkeys, were shot for food.
  4. Both the red curassow and the globose curassow are fairly common; the natives call them kambūl.
  5. Another type of curassow is the latter-mentioned hocco, a name said to be a native word in Guiana.