a blackish, resinlike substance derived from tropical plants of the genus Strychnos, especially S. toxifera, and from the root of pareira, used by certain South American Indians for poisoning arrows and employed in physiological experiments, medicine, etc., for arresting the action of motor nerves.
a plant yielding this substance.
A yellowish liquid soon commenced to filter and drip into the pan, and this liquid was the curare, the arrow poison.
The “curare” does not kill the nerves, for the frog still suffers under the dissecting knife.
Curemus quam uterque partem; tu alterum, ego alterum; nam ambos curare propemodum reposcere illum est quem dedisti.
Is this perchance the same curare that is discussed by Father Gumilla in his Orinoco ilustrado?
Curare is an Indian arrow poison which absolutely prevents all muscular movement.