cupping / ˈkʌp ɪŋ /


cupping 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the process of drawing blood from the body by scarification and the application of a cupping glass, or by the application of a cupping glass without scarification, as for relieving internal congestion or for loosening and stimulating the muscles.

cupping 近义词


等同于 predestinate


等同于 predestine


  1. Those blemishes were the work of cupping, an alternative therapy in which small glass cups are placed on the skin at sites of injury or soreness, and used to create suction that stimulates “energy flow.”
  2. One form of cupping – wet cupping – involves piercing the skin to bleed the area and remove stagnant blood and toxins.
  3. Photographed by Steven Meisel, the shoot features Bündchen in the throes of a blood facial and butt-cupping therapy.
  4. She told me this and then leaned forward, cupping her chin in her hands, and went quiet again.
  5. Its precipitation is when it is turned inside out like a purse, and hangs out between the thighs, like a cupping glass.
  6. Her legs must be put out quite straight and laid together, and apply six cupping glasses to her breast and navel.
  7. Apply cupping glasses to the stomach and also to the navel, especially if the swelling be flatulent.
  8. Apply cupping glasses to the shoulders and ligatures to the arms, and if this be not effective, open the liver vein in the arm.