cuirassier / ˌkwɪər əˈsɪər /


cuirassier 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a cavalry soldier wearing a cuirass.

cuirassier 近义词


等同于 cavalry


  1. In 1814 followed the “Wounded Cuirassier,” staggering across the field of battle and dragging his horse behind him.
  2. When the Count received me he was clothed in the undress uniform of the Cuirassier regiment, of which he was the colonel.
  3. She stopped a cuirassier riding a lame horse, his own leg hastily bandaged with a piece of coloured calico.
  4. She haunted, therefore, the heights of Bazeilles, seeking among the dead one who wore the cuirassier uniform.
  5. Many a proud Uhlan and Cuirassier has to-day ridden to his death amid the dense mobs, mad with the lust of blood.