Also called frog spit. a frothy secretion found on plants, exuded by the young of certain insects, as the froghoppers, and serving as a protective covering.
an insect that produces this secretion.
Qatar is just a little spit of land that looks like a polyp on edge of Saudi Arabia.
So he and his partner, Zack Simpson, did what they do so well: started spit-balling some game theory around politics.
I breathed sloppily through my mouth, hung my head between my legs, and spit every so often.
We still have a long way to go, but it has improved dramatically since the post Vietnam syndrome when Vets were spit on.
Forgive my candor, though such is my wont, but much like that moose on a spit, Bernie is dead.
Many gallants 'took' their tobacco in the lords room over the stage, and went out to (Saint) Paul's to spit there privately.
When used by gentlemen it was common to carry a silver basin to spit in.
Among the variety of birds, several black cockatoos and the pheasant cuckoo were seen.
A lovely bracket of carved wood fixed to the wall held a cheap cuckoo-clock from Switzerland.
They are permitted to throw the leavings of their food and spit where they like, sit how they like and smoke everywhere.