cubism / ˈkyu bɪz əm /


cubism 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Fine Arts.

  1. a style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century, characterized chiefly by an emphasis on formal structure, the reduction of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents, and the organization of the planes of a represented object independently of representational requirements.


  1. He began painting what he would call “intuitive abstractions,” and “cosmic cubism.”
  2. Weirdly, he mostly avoided Cubism, even though he got wild Cezannes that foreshadow that movement.
  3. And above those hang two new oval canvases, clear and bold and crisp, as though they were clearing out cubism's fogs.
  4. The next gallery offers rose-tinted portraits and a marked, pre-Cubism dalliance with neoclassicism.
  5. Instead, we get predictable gallery delineations (Blue Period, Rose Period, Cubism) and surface-skimming biographical details.
  6. It is an essentially beautiful and satisfying contribution to modern painting, this nacreous cubism of Marie Laurencin.
  7. It was scarce two years since we first heard of "Cubism" when the "Futurists" were calling the "Cubists" reactionary.
  8. Their designs include not only the traditional but also elements of modern art styles, such as cubism and abstraction.
  9. Cubism is nothing but the extreme manifestation of this passion for order, for the complete organization of forms and colours.
  10. With Cubism conscious stheticism holds the field, for the Cubist theory is, in the main, sthetic.