ctenophora / tɪˈnɒf ər ə /


ctenophora 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the phylum comprising the comb jellies.


  1. They are exceedingly voracious, feeding chiefly on other Ctenophora, and often swallowing animals as large as themselves.
  2. The Ctenophora developed later out of a branch of the latter.
  3. The ovum of the Ctenophora is formed of an outer granular protoplasmic layer and an inner spongy mass with fatty spherules.
  4. It is characteristic both of the Octocoralla and Hexacoralla, but is not found in the Ctenophora.
  5. The most important examples of such modifications are found in the Siphonophora and Ctenophora.