ctenoid / ˈti nɔɪd, ˈtɛn ɔɪd /


ctenoid 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. comblike or pectinate; rough-edged.
  2. having rough-edged scales.


  1. The cycloid and ctenoid scales of Teleosteans (see p. 105) are thin plates coated with epidermis.
  2. The exoskeleton is sometimes absent but generally consists of overlapping cycloid or ctenoid scales.
  3. A ctenoid scale differs in having its posterior margin pectinate.
  4. Louis Agassiz distinguished four kinds of scales—placoid, ganoid, cycloid and ctenoid.
  5. There are two principal types of Teleostean scales, the cycloid and ctenoid.