crystalloid / ˈkrɪs tlˌɔɪd /


crystalloid2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a usually crystallizable substance that, when dissolved in a liquid, will diffuse readily through vegetable or animal membranes.
  2. Botany. one of certain minute crystallike granules of protein, found in the tissues of various seeds.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. resembling a crystal.
  2. of the nature of a crystalloid.


  1. Cogitations concerning the Hindustani Interpreter: colloid and crystalloid: the Armenians comments.
  2. In about 24 hours three-quarters of the crystalloid substances present will have passed into the lower vessel.
  3. Colloidal solutions diffuse light, unlike crystalloid solutions, which are transparent.
  4. This arises from the fact that the molecules of a colloid are extremely large when compared with those of a crystalloid.
  5. The effect is produced by using a crystalloid band upon which the images are painted as represented at A in our engraving.