crystalling / ˈkrɪs tl /


crystalling3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice.
  2. the transparent form of crystallized quartz.
  3. Chemistry, Mineralogy. a solid body having a characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces, intersecting at definite and characteristic angles.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. composed of crystal.
  2. resembling crystal; clear; transparent.
  3. Radio. pertaining to or employing a crystal detector.
  4. indicating the fifteenth event of a series, as a wedding anniversary.
v. 有主动词 verb

crys·taled, crys·tal·ing or crys·talled, crys·tal·ling.

  1. to make into crystal; crystallize.
  2. to cover or coat with, or as if with, crystal.

crystalling 近义词


等同于 pellucid


  1. This material is soft and deformable, consisting of molecules loosely bound in a crystal structure.
  2. Juno has also seen evidence that violent storms in deeper cloud layers sometimes toss ice crystals high above where they’re normally found.
  3. This more basic environment causes little crystals of calcium carbonate to form.
  4. At the bottom, I calculated the mean — the average crystal growth — for each group.
  5. That will tell you how many grams of sugar crystals had grown.
  6. Some of the video was crystal clear, but in other footage the figures were just fuzzy shadows in black and white.
  7. Sailor Moon Crystal is expected to wrap up its initial storylines by the end of the year.
  8. Sailor Moon Crystal is a more ambitious retelling of multiple Sailor Moon story arcs.
  9. Crystal is a onetime member of the Avengers, and in various storylines is also married to Quicksilver.
  10. Hers is a particular brand of essay: writing at its most crystal clear, subject matter at its most slippery and interesting.
  11. The long axis of the hip-roof crystal is often so shortened that it resembles the envelop crystal of calcium oxalate.
  12. The soul of music which is embodied in them is imprisoned within wood and crystal, and is no more heard of men.
  13. Jessie had bought a galena crystal mounted, as that was more satisfactory, the book said.
  14. You look at a clear perfect rich colour, as it were, through the purest crystal.
  15. There were silver and gold, as she had said there would be, and crystal which glittered like the gems which the women wore.