crocidolite / kroʊˈsɪd lˌaɪt /


crocidolite 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a bluish, asbestine variety of riebeckite.


  1. At this exhibition I found a splendid display of crocidolite, the sight of which well repaid the visit.
  2. This is doubtless its general colour, but the finest crocidolite is anything but yellow.
  3. Crocidolite, kro-sid′o-līt, n. a mineral consisting mainly of silicate of iron, in asbestos-like fibres.
  4. Crocidolite or blue asbestos is similar to chrysotile but somewhat inferior in fire-resisting qualities.
  5. Asbestos consists mostly of magnesium silicate minerals—chrysotile, anthophyllite, and crocidolite.