a species of large frog, Leptodactylus pentadactylus, resembling a bullfrog, inhabiting South and Central America, and having deep orange or red coloring on the legs and sides during the breeding season, the rest of the body being dark-green or brown with black markings.
And then some frog-eating, Johnny Crapaud policeman will gather us in as disorderly persons!
Called Crapaud from the device of the ancient kings of France, "three toads erect saltant."
Hung over the ponds in June, watching the eggs of the frog turn to tadpoles, and the tadpoles to Johnny Crapaud.
"If he doesn't get the tobacco he'll be hung for a spy," said Johnny Crapaud, turning on his heel.
"If we don't take him to headquarters now he'll send across and get the tobacco," interpreted the corporal to Johnny Crapaud.