countrified / ˈkʌn trəˌfaɪd /


countrified 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. rustic or rural in appearance, conduct, etc.: a countrified person; a countrified area amid the suburbs.
  2. not sophisticated or cosmopolitan; provincial.

countrified 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


countrified 的近义词 3


  1. As the place was Islington, the month June, and the year 1718, we conceive the surroundings as being countrified and pleasant.
  2. She felt somehow very ignorant and countrified and totally unfit for her high destiny as a member of Boston's select circles.
  3. Our little place was very countrified, considering that it is so close to town.
  4. I feel so timid here—so much afraid of doing something wrong—something countrified.
  5. Besides, there was something engaging in his countrified simplicity and his beaming good-nature.