costermonger / ˈkɒs tərˌmʌŋ gər, -ˌmɒŋ-, ˈkɔ stər- /


costermonger2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called cos·ter [kos-ter, kaw-ster] /ˈkɒs tər, ˈkɔ stər/ . a hawker of fruit, vegetables, fish, etc.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to sell fruit, vegetables, fish, etc., from a cart, barrow, or stall in the streets.

costermonger 近义词


等同于 hawker


等同于 huckster


  1. But they keep peddling them like a costermonger selling rotten fruit.
  2. With horror she had heard her brother addressed by a disreputable costermonger in a mangy fur cap, as "Old pal."
  3. You remember the costermonger whose family quarrelled with him for marrying beneath him?
  4. Any attempt at courtship after the style of the costermonger is resented by the whole corvine community.
  5. But when the Major overstrains his voice, it misses fire like a costermonger's, and only a falsetto note comes on a high register.
  6. If she had been a little female costermonger she would have demanded her 'marriage lines' and clung to them fiercely.