cosmogony / kɒzˈmɒg ə ni /


cosmogony 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cos·mog·o·nies.

  1. a theory or story of the origin and development of the universe, the solar system, or the earth-moon system.


  1. The authors of the Orphic cosmogony appear to have begun with some remarks on Time ((Greek text omitted)).
  2. But the difficulty presented itself of reconciling the cosmogony and chronology of the Bible with those of the Chinese sages.
  3. There is frequent recognition in classical literature of a sounder cosmogony.
  4. This is a cosmogonic myth whose essential elements belong to the same circle of ideas as the cosmogony of the Greeks.
  5. They propose questions relative to the Cosmogony of the Northern creed, on the conditions that the baffled party forfeit his head.