corruptible / kəˈrʌp tə bəl /


corruptible 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. that can or might be corrupted.

corruptible 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Paul comes across as the standard, casually sexist, easily corruptible law-enforcement type.
  2. If a sidekick is flamboyantly dressed in pastels or tailored velvet, he must be morally corruptible.
  3. We strive for a corruptible crown, thinking that this, after all, is the surest discipline for the crown that is incorruptible.
  4. Secondly, because the House of Commons, as it is the most powerful, is the most corruptible part of the whole Constitution.
  5. It would be so, if every corruptible representative were to find an enlightened and incorruptible constituent.
  6. Warmoth had almost unlimited power and he used it like Cataline to corrupt the corruptible elements of the State.
  7. Thus wise are men, when they run for corruptible things; and thus shouldst thou do.