corroborator / verb kəˈrɒb əˌreɪt; adjective kəˈrɒb ər ɪt /


corroborator2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

cor·rob·o·rat·ed, cor·rob·o·rat·ing.

  1. to make more certain; confirm: He corroborated my account of the accident.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Archaic. confirmed.

corroborator 近义词


等同于 witness


等同于 attester

corroborator 的近义词 5

等同于 testifier


等同于 viewer


  1. The authors used “best statistical practices” by corroborating their nationwide, county-level results with the individual results from Washington and Utah, says Donald Green, a political scientist at Columbia University.
  2. Your site should include a detailed “About us” section that explains who you are, what you do and introduces your C-level executives, with links from relevant publications that corroborate your claims.
  3. That finding is also at least somewhat corroborated in this paper FiveThirtyEight contributor Lee Drutman published with the Voter Study Group earlier this year.
  4. This is corroborated by NASA, the guys who spend more time looking at the Earth than pretty much anyone else.
  5. We conducted separate analyses using a different source of testing site locations and examined other testing-related data to corroborate our findings.
  6. But, Digital Globe satellite images dated March 17, 2014, corroborate their stories.
  7. (Read More on the Crisis in Ukraine) Old, numerous and bipartisan are the tales that corroborate this dreary hypothesis.
  8. Several interns corroborate the claim that banking interns are expected to work these types of never-ending shifts.
  9. Of course, the only reason we retell the story is precisely the data did corroborate Einstein's theory.
  10. Other witnesses came forward to corroborate her testimony, although they refused to appear on camera.
  11. I have already produced an instance to point out this, and shall now corroborate it with another.
  12. But things seemed to corroborate it so: I've heard people say the new lord was as a man who had some great care upon him.
  13. She looked around for Melvin to corroborate her statement but he had vanished.
  14. A heavy fit of coughing from the inner room now seemed to corroborate the suspicion.
  15. My findings corroborate Davis' conclusion that D. oklahomae should stand as Dipodomys ordii oklahomae.