constitutionalism / ˌkɒn stɪˈtu ʃə nlˌɪz əm, -ˈtyu- /


constitutionalism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the principles of constitutional government or adherence to them.
  2. constitutional rule or authority.


  1. Surely, they will object, nationalism in America means constitutionalism!
  2. There is no shortage of ideas to borrow from, as there a rich literature on constitutionalism and ethnicity.
  3. A crude Constitutionalism, or a still cruder Republicanism, were preached by almost all writers of the time.
  4. After 1789, the German was down with that new disease, French constitutionalism; liberty, fraternity and equality.
  5. If you wish to become hysterical, read your fill of this drunken era of French Constitutionalism.
  6. The state-governments had overcome the attacks of constitutionalism, and seemed to be more independent of control than ever.
  7. Parliamentarianism was dying on its legs and constitutionalism appeared to have received its death-blow.